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Are Google Qwiklabs Certifications (Cloud Skills Boost) Worth It?

Google acquired Qwiklabs to teach cloud computing fundamentals and job specifications to users. Creating the “Cloud Skills Boost” program, Google has taught users worldwide about cloud computing and AI fundamentals concerning Google’s suite of cloud-based products. Google Qwiklabs can be beneficial in accelerating your knowledge in sectors of cloud computing that are fundamental to career opportunities and growth. Despite this, Qwiklabs is not right for everyone. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of completing Google Qwiklabs Certifications.

Pro: Qwiklabs is a form of job certification

Qwiklabs provides courses that can be beneficial to helping users find a job in a specific field of technology or cloud computing. More specifically, Qwiklabs certifications can help users confirm their experience in specific fields of cloud computing.

Con: You may need prior technological experience

Some Qwiklabs courses may require you to know about specific programming languages or cloud computing terminology. In this case, Qwiklabs courses can become difficult to users who are new to technological terms. This makes Qwiklabs better for people with prior experience in technology, computer science, or computer programming.

Pro: Many Qwiklabs course videos are free (and you can sometimes apply for Qwiklabs credits)

The videos in many Qwiklabs courses are free, while some activities may require Qwiklabs credits. Even with paid labs and features in Qwiklabs, you can sometimes apply to receive free credits when opportunities open up.

Pro: Qwiklabs offers actual Google Cloud experience (and does not use an emulator or simulator for exploring Google Cloud products)

Qwiklabs offers temporary Google Accounts to use Google Cloud’s online software when completing labs and other activities. This means you have hands-on experiences when completing activities in Qwiklabs, versus other cloud computing courses that provide lectures. This makes the certifications in Qwiklabs valuable for pursuing career opportunities in providing real-world cloud computing experience.

Conclusion: Are Qwiklabs certifications worth the cost?

Overall, Google Qwiklabs Certifications allow users to show their experience within different fields of cloud computing and technology. As Qwiklabs provides hands-on experience, users can prove their experience in different fields of cloud computing (specifically with Google’s suite of cloud computing products). You should note that Qwiklabs is better for users that have prior experience in technology and cloud computing, as many Qwiklabs courses an be advanced to beginners. You should also note how Qwiklabs certifications are specific to Google’s suite of products: they may not apply to other suites of cloud computing products.

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